The Winter Koi Pond
Choices must be made
As the season changes, so do the maintenance needs of your backyard pond. Before the winter cold comes, you’ll need to make some decisions about whether it’s best for your pond to be shut down or leave it winter-ready and running. Make an informed decision.
Winter ReadyWinter ready means you are running the pump and waterfall/stream over the winter. Most ponds with fish are run over the winter. Yes, fish can overwinter when the pond is at least 24 inches (36 is better) and care is taken.What to know:
Winter ShutdownA winter shutdown means you are pulling out the pump for the winter. A shutdown requires that the pond is at least 24 inches (36 is better) and that care is taken.What to know:

The photo above shows a de-icer in a pond, keeping a hole open in the ice for gas exchange.