This is usually found across from the waterfalls. It generally has a fake rock for a lid and inside you will find:
Parts of a pond and equipment defined

More specifically……(and there is even more below)
The Skimmer –
This is usually found across from the waterfalls. It generally has a fake rock for a lid and inside you will find:
- A basket or net that catches debris being sucked in. It literally skims off the top of the water (catching floating things like leaves).
- The pump. The pump sits below the basket and the filter pad.
- A filter pad. A type of mesh that catches finer debris. It needs to be hosed out about once a week. Make sure it fills the space completely. If there is a gap, the water will take the path of least resistance and bypass it completely.
Here is a cross section view of a basic skimmer. The filter pad is green in this diagram but yours might be white, black or blue.

The Biofalls
this is at the top of the waterfall. It may have a variety of filter material in it including Bioballs, lava rocks, or filter pad. This is where the water is piped to and then cascades down to the pond.

This cross section of a biofalls shows bioballs in bags and 2 filter mats.

3. Pump. Different brand pumps have different looks. Some are vertical and some are horizontal.
4. Piping. Piping is usually kink free piping or some sort of flexible PVC. We most often see 1 1/2 inch pipe, 2 inch pipe, 2 1/2 inch pipe or 3 inch pipe. It is important to have the pipe size that goes with your pump. For instance, if you had an 8000 gallon per hour (gph) pump, but only a 1 inch pipe, the pipe could not keep up with the pump.
5. Rocks and gravel. Rocks do a great job of hiding and protecting the liner from harsh weather. 1 3/4 inch gravel (or close to) creates a natural looking pond bottom in which beneficial bacteria can colonize.
6. Pond liner and underlayment. We use liner rather than concrete as it is easier to repair. Underlayment is a fabric that lays beneath the liner that gives an extra protection from punctures.
7. Plants and fish – some people think that plants and fish are too much work. While keeping plants trimmed back can take some time now and then, they are that added color that make ponds really beautiful. They also use up nutrients in the pond. Without plants, keeping the water clear is very difficult. Plants grow best when there are fish in the water!
Other parts that you might have in your pond may be: