Cleanout on Commercial Property
We know your property is unique. We review your water feature and give you a custom quote for the cleanout.
This is what we do when we perform a cleanout:
- Remove all water from the water feature
- Remove fish (if you have them) to portable ponds that we bring
- Trim plants as needed
- Check equipment for proper operation and clean it out
- Pressure wash the whole water feature, including the waterfall and stream
- Clean skimmer, Biofalls and other equipment
- Flush canister filters (if present)
- Apply water treatments to establish a healthy ecosystem and protect the fish
- Restack rocks that may have been disturbed during the cleanout
- Return fish to pond using safe fish transfer methods
What we need from you for the custom quote
Size of pond in terms of feet across (longest length and widest width)
Depth of pond
Length and width of stream
Photo of pond if possible
Address of pond (or address directly adjacent to it)
Other questions:
Is there a submerged pump or an external pump?
Are there cattails or bulrush that needs to be removed?
Are there fish? – If so roughly how many (10 or 50+)
When you are ready – contact us and we will get a custom quote for a cleanout.