Should you run the pond over the winter?

Should you run the pond over the winter?

Answer these 5 questions to find out if your backyard pond be run over the winter! Are there fish, frogs, and other aquatic life in or at the pond? Is the system currently free from any water loss (besides evaporation)? Are you going to be home this winter (not...
10 Tasks to Get Your Pond Ready for Fall

10 Tasks to Get Your Pond Ready for Fall

Did you know that September 22nd was the first day of fall? It was! The temperatures have gotten colder at night, but it’s still nice and warm in the daytime. The leaves have begun to change and the morning dew has returned. The days have gotten shorter and the nights...
Preparing the pond for brutal cold: Are you ready?

Preparing the pond for brutal cold: Are you ready?

  Colorado Pond Pros:Winterizing Pond Tips Frigid temperatures should not worry pond owners. Preparing the pond for brutal cold can be the difference between snuggling under a blanket with a good book during extremely cold weather or searching for the long johns....
Pond De-icers and Heaters – what you need to know

Pond De-icers and Heaters – what you need to know

Gas Exchange Oxygen needs to be able to get into the pond and fish create gases, as well as organic material in the water.  Proper gas exchange (gases out, oxygen in) needs to be possible even during the winter months.  Pond de-icers and heaters –  or stock tank...
Why does pond water temperature matter?

Why does pond water temperature matter?

Why does pond water temperature matter? Aerators As the pond water temperature gets colder, the lowest levels of the pond are deeper in the earth and are actually warmer.  That is why the fish stay there for the winter.  When we add in aerators the frigid air pumped...