3 Benefits of Pond Netting Before Winter Arrives

3 Benefits of Pond Netting Before Winter Arrives

As winter nears, using pond netting becomes a crucial step in protecting your pond. A well-installed netting system helps prevent debris buildup, maintain water quality, and minimize algae growth during the colder months. Here, we explore these three key benefits to...
4 Things to Prepare Your Pond For Fall

4 Things to Prepare Your Pond For Fall

Get ready to prep your pond for the changing seasons with these 4 essential tips. 4 Things To Prepare Your Pond For Fall As the days grow shorter and the temperatures begin to drop in Colorado, it’s important to start preparing your pond for the upcoming fall...
Koi During The Winter – What you need to know

Koi During The Winter – What you need to know

Do you wonder what the koi do during the winter?   It’s Called “Torpor” Fish go into a dormant state during the winter called “torpor”.  They may look like they aren’t moving at all, because they aren’t.  They...
Should Your Pond Equipment Be Out in the Weather? No!

Should Your Pond Equipment Be Out in the Weather? No!

Covering Electrical Pond Equipment Is the control panel of your Autodose or IonGen exposed to the sun? Did you know that after time, this will cause the panel to be unreadable? Leaving electrical pond equipment out in the elements shortens their lifespan. Rain, sun,...
Topping Off the Pond: What to keep in mind

Topping Off the Pond: What to keep in mind

Have you topped off the pond this winter? While we don’t think about adding water to the pond as often when it’s cold, it turns out that though water evaporates at a faster rate in high temperatures, it also evaporates in the winter! So don’t neglect to pay...