Aquatic pond plants – An essential part of the ecosystem

Aquatic pond plants bring a new level of beauty to any pond, but they are much more than just good looks!  Plants are the natural workers of a pond ecosystem. They use nutrients that fish are adding to the water and therefore become living filters!  Too many nutrients in the water can cause algae blooms.  Too much sun on the water can contribute to algae growth as well.  While your plants are sitting there looking beautiful, they’re actively providing filtration.  When plants cover 40 to 60% of the surface area of the pond, it will reduce the temperature of the pond, helping reduce algae blooms.

If you are in Colorado you are probably in Zone 5 planting area unless you are in the mountains.  Mountain areas may be in zone 4.  Have you ever searched the internet for information only to find lots of stuff pertaining to southern states?  Me too.  All the information I am providing about aquatic plants is coming from Colorado Zone 5!

Check out the photos below.  When you scroll over it will give you the name of the plant.

Wondering if we see plants?  We can sell plants when they are available while we are on a service call!

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